Flood Management
Kandi Master Plan (A comprehensive flood management scheme for Murshidabad and Birbhum)
Kandi is the South-western Sub-division of the Murshidabad district, having total geographical area of 1190 Sq K.M with a population of 12.05 lakh, and comprising of five development blocks, namely Khargram, Burwan, Kandi, Bharatpur-I and Bharatpur-II. An area of about 510 Sq K.M consisting of entire Bharatpur-I, parts of Khargram, Burwan and Kandi blocks is critically prone to perpetual flood and drainage congestion and remain totally cut-off for many days together from other parts of the district during flood. The aforesaid area is drained by three main river systems namely, the Mayurakshi- Bele, the Brahmani- Dwarka and the Bakreshwar – Kopai – Kuye. All the three systems combine into one and finally outfalls into the river Bhagirathi through the Babla – Uttarasan system. The river systems described above carry huge discharge during monsoon causing wide spread flood and drainage congestion in Kandi and adjoining areas as most of the embankments, constructed decades ago through ex-zamindary or other sources, are in dilapidated conditions. The perpetual occurrence of flood and drainage congestion cause untold misery to the people. The average annual damage is to the tune of Rs. 97.55 Crore. Transport of relief materials and rapid evacuation of affected people becomes really challenging task in such time.
Project Proposals of Kandi Master Plan
The present scheme has been formulated based on survey, scientific assessment of flood and preventive measures and conducting a mathematical model analysis to understand the extent of flood. The proposal envisages the execution of:
The project will be implemented by March'2018.
Financial implication
The approved estimated cost of the project is Rs. 438.94 Crore.